Less than 48h until $NAWA launch
Here is what else you should know about Narwhale.finance
<48h untill first rewards
The website Narwhale.finance is up and running and ready to host a bunch of algo stablecoin stakers as well as EUR & rebase tokens.
Farm NAWA by depositing one of the tokens/liquidity pools: sUSD, sEUR, EURS, FRAX, DSD, ESD, AMPL, MIC, BAC, BASED, Sushi-MIC-USDT, Uniswap-FRAX-USDC, Uniswap-BAC-DAI, Uniswap-AMPL-ETH, Moonbased, Curve, EURS-sEUR, Uniswap-NAWA-ETH
The above mentioned pools will be emission sprayed for 2 weeks.
The NAWA rewards per pool have been established based on each of the token’s circulating supply 24h before the time of writing. Please do keep in mind that pool 2 has not been introduced yet, when it will, % of the NAWA block rewards will be transferred there.
If no tokens are going to be deposited in one of the pools, the rewards percentage WILL NOT be minted & migrated to others.
The pool 2 NAWA-ETH will get launched and incentivized in a couple of days after emission start.
What is next
Read the first intro post for a short introduction: https://narwhale.medium.com/eur-algo-stablecoin-yield-farming-8aec2fc00ffe
Social media
Discord: https://discord.gg/umhM4MvtKf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceNarwhale
Website: https://narwhale.finance
Github: https://github.com/narwhale-finance