Less than 48h until $NAWA launch

2 min readJan 22, 2021


Here is what else you should know about Narwhale.finance

NAWA rewards start at block 11715087

<48h untill first rewards

The website Narwhale.finance is up and running and ready to host a bunch of algo stablecoin stakers as well as EUR & rebase tokens.

Farm NAWA by depositing one of the tokens/liquidity pools: sUSD, sEUR, EURS, FRAX, DSD, ESD, AMPL, MIC, BAC, BASED, Sushi-MIC-USDT, Uniswap-FRAX-USDC, Uniswap-BAC-DAI, Uniswap-AMPL-ETH, Moonbased, Curve, EURS-sEUR, Uniswap-NAWA-ETH

The above mentioned pools will be emission sprayed for 2 weeks.

The NAWA rewards per pool have been established based on each of the token’s circulating supply 24h before the time of writing. Please do keep in mind that pool 2 has not been introduced yet, when it will, % of the NAWA block rewards will be transferred there.

Estimated NAWA rewards per pool

If no tokens are going to be deposited in one of the pools, the rewards percentage WILL NOT be minted & migrated to others.

The pool 2 NAWA-ETH will get launched and incentivized in a couple of days after emission start.

Estimated Circulating Supply

What is next

Read the first intro post for a short introduction: https://narwhale.medium.com/eur-algo-stablecoin-yield-farming-8aec2fc00ffe

Social media

Discord: https://discord.gg/umhM4MvtKf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceNarwhale
Website: https://narwhale.finance
Github: https://github.com/narwhale-finance




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